
Ghost Writer #1

So...lets address the undeniable truth first. I've been completely MIA. I have no real scape goat for this except a combination of intense writers block and smooth sailing in the dating world recently...so far.
I've always been under the realm of thinking that you should only write when you feel inspired to do so or when you have something...anything to write about. So what do I do when I feel the writers block gloomy dark shadow? I admit, I'm a complete avoider. I walk away, I put the pen down and keep watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey thinking "this too shall pass" (the writers block that is, God knows the Real Housewives don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon). Its lucky for me that I have many strongly opinionated friends that can come to the rescue. I had this idea from the beginning and will send out the invitation again: if any of you (girls OR guys) have great stories or maybe just opinions (like the entry below), please ppppplease send it in and I'll make you a ghost writer. It'll be completely confidential fingers crossed, pinky swear, scouts honor and all that jazz.

So without further ado - Guy Ghost Writer #1 
p.s. my comments :) are in  red yeahhhh that's right, you step into my arena be prepared to see red. Pun intended. 
Are both sexes frustrated with one another? I think most men are frustrated that they can’t even seem to get a date nowadays. It seems as though no matter how many phone numbers they get, they can’t get women to return their phone calls, let alone go out with them. And it’s not just an unattractive guy thing: it’s something that very tall, well built, attractive men are experiencing as well; I have a few tall very attractive friends that came to me with the problem of not being able to secure dates with women.

But is it just a guy thing? Far from it. I actually have quite a few female friends that come to me complaining about not being able to find a boyfriend or get a guy to ask them out on a date. So what’s the problem? Why don’t these women and men just hook up and call it a day? I’ll tell you why: they simply aren’t running into each other. Or.... both sexes are desperately seeking a boyfriend/girlfriend and you know what the key word is there - DESPERATE. Desperation does not a solid, good relationship make. Sorry devils advocate.

If you look at the vast majority of women, they pretty much just go to work, come home, get on facebook maybe eat dinner with their friends on the weekends. And if you look at the vast majority of men, we pretty much go to work, come home, and play video games. Pay attention to the above. Notice anything? Electronics have effectively crippled dating.

Women are addicted to social networking sites, so many never really partake in any social activities.  *Cough - WHAT?! Someone take me out behind the barn, Old Yeller style and shoot me if ever I turn down reality for a social networking site. 

"Sorry girls, I can't make it out tonight I need to incessantly scroll through random facebook albums, like status' and endlessly stalk my ex boyfriend vs the alternative and possibility of meeting someone else worth while or God forbid just having fun with y'all".

I might as well get a tatoo of the word "ridiculously pathetic" on my forehead because that's what my friends faces would be spelling out. Sorry ghost writer, I can see this in guys - many of my guy friends would pass up nights out and submit to the vitual world with countless hours of rock band, halo or whatever Madden of the moment. I however am to play the devils advocate and give a female point of view....and generally we would never plant it in front of facebook and miss out on drinks and revelry with friends out on the town. Maybe girls are using this as one of those "oldest tricks in the book" excuses....maybe "sorry I have to facebook" is the modern "sorry I need to stay in a wash my hair tonight".
I know that these women are getting a shitload of messages, yet they seem to haven’t found a guy. It’s almost as if they’re addicted, not to the attention, but rather, the entertainment of trading messages and browsing as a whole, and they don’t want to date because that would mean no more online dating entertainment. Not only that, but when women do manage to make it to nightclubs, combined with online dating, it’s as though they get analysis paralysis by having too many choices when it comes to men. What college? Where does he work etc.Choices never hurt anybody...just sayin.

But what about the women that can’t get guys to ask them out on a date who don’t go to nightclubs and don’t date online? These women simply have no lives outside of work. This is from first hand experience with them. I’ve met far too many women through my last job, through classes, and through my social network that aren’t going places where they can actually meet men.

And then you have the men that flock to nightclubs where women’s egos are blown up, and they get stuck in that whole analysis paralysis phenomena. Either that or these guys sit at home and play their video games all the time. So they have no real social interaction skills to talk to women. The same questions are asked with the same banal answer, add this to a poor environment to genuinely get passed the initial facades or "fronts" people put up you make no real connection!

 What’s really interesting, is that after college, no one seems to do anything social anymore. And I think for dating, women need that long term familiarity with a guy before she agrees to go out on a date with him. Almost every girl that I’ve dated, I met through my social circle and we built a connection over time. I wouldn't say that we need long term familiarity but it sure as hell doesn't hurt. We need to know that there's possibility of it going somewhere substantial. Long gone are the college days of hookup culture and the nativity of thinking that Mr. I won the beer pong tournament but can't remember your name will turn into your prince charming. The hookup culture isn't gone, its just slowed down if you're looking for a real relationship vs fun. We're wiser now, we know what we want and hell yes we're pickier.

I don’t know about other men, but I know that when I’m in class, or I’m the new guy in some social group, women FLOCK towards me even if they aren't trying to date me. It's like a new toy, or the new kid in high school all over again! I get asked questions as if I'm being interrogated at Gitmo. Whether man or woman I'm sure you've noticed once you enter into a new social circle you experience this.  So why does this happen? because most of men/women have few opportunities to meet people that they aren't familiar with and not taken by another girl/guy.Agree. I've always wonder where these women, from the new social circle, have been then I realize they’re at home checking Facebook and watching Grey’s Anatomy or some other delusional soap opera or reality tv show. HA. Whatever helps you sleep at night bud. Maybe they were in their own social circles. Branch out people! Branch!

So it’s not really a matter of women not wanting men, or men not wanting women. The sexes need to put an active effort into actually getting out there and meeting people via partaking in various social activities other than meeting at nightclubs where there’s no familiarity and no trust due to the influence of alcohol and women getting stuck in analysis paralysis.I keep missing this reference. anyone? Women have complained to me on many occasions about men not having balls, and perhaps if these men displayed the same balls they have when under the influence of alcohol when in class and during social activities, this problem would be solved. Essentially get off your ass and stop being lazy, very rarely if at all do people meet men/women of quality while sitting on their ass at home or being the third wheel!

Thought provoking points Ghost Writer. In this day and age dating is a treterous world. When you meet someone at a bar you never know where its going to lead. Maybe a good conversation, maybe a fun night, maybe your future wife/husband. I saw a commercial a while ago for Match.com which stated that 4 out of 5 couples now are meeting online. I'm not surprised by this, after all we're in a new technology age, the world is smaller, time moves faster and its only natural for this to effect every aspect of our lives. If you look at it on a deeper level and put every guy that you see at the bar one night into the context of a online dating website - you can immediately weed out certain characteristics that you deem as undesirable or deal breakers.  There's a website called OkCupid.com which is completely free - I checked out, for social experimental reasons and out of pure curiosity of who's out there. I was under this impression that for people our age; twenty somethings, its a little desperate to be at an online dating site but then I rearranged my thought process. OkCupid asks simple questions that are vital to being on the same page and creating/starting a relationship such as...
Would you ever consider adopting a child or being artificially inseminated on your own if you gave up on finding a life partner?

Would you consider dating someone who dislikes children?

Do you thinking burning a flag should be considered illegal?

Would you vote for a woman running for president/prime minister/political leader in your country?

and at the end of every question asks:
Your ideal match would answer...
X, Y or Z

Their answer is...
A) Irrevelant 
B) A little Important
C) Somewhat Important
D) Very Important
E) Mandatory

Not all questions are so deep but do they give insight into your character and values and what you're looking for more than any first meeting at a bar. Its easy for people to be on totally different pages as far as what they want currently, what they're looking for and what their expectations are. A site like OkCupid is more likely to get people on the same page. While I'm no longer on it, and didn't end up meeting anyone, I would recommend it to anyone who's "looking" (desperate or not) as it does open a world of possibilities if you give it a shot. Just food for thought.  

I'll leave one final thought... the times when I've found real, substantial and worth while relationships are when I wasnt looking. Its the oldest wives tale in the world but I've experienced it to be true. Everyone needs to get out there, have some fun, live your life to the fullest and somehow it'll all fall into place. 

Thanks again to my first ever Ghost Writer! 
As always, stay tuned. 

xoxo, M


Steer Clear of Starving Artists and....Yoga Mats

I realize that the majority of my posts thus far have been stories seemingly stuck in the time period of college debauchery. The two go hand in hand; good stories and college debauchery that is and honestly I don't think its possible to have one without the other. While there surely will be more stories from that time period (correction: countless stories) I thought I'd dish about one not so long ago, to prove that the my dating life being synonymous with a sitcom or life time movie is not necessarily directly related to keg beer. Keg beer never hurts though.

Living in New Haven, Connecticut aka the home of Yale University - I can't help but mingle and rub elbows with some of the most brilliant minds and off...beat personalities in the country. I have to be honest- of my good friends that I've come to know and love here, ALL of them are Yalies. But even they will admit that book smarts runs this city, not so much street smarts or sparkling personalities. Let me set this scene... my first week here I was invited to a kegger that my house mates were throwing in our backyard. Normal enough right? I spent most of the night discussing the ethical issues of meat production and consumption around a keg of natty light. Just kidding, the keg was definitely NOT natty light. I felt like legally blonde does yale that night, quite the difference from passionate football debates that acted as intermissions between keg stand competitions at Auburn.
I learned quickly how to hang here. Nod and look generally interested, chime in with general theory and NOT facts. To say that I've learned a lot would be the understatement of the century.

While I've dated a surprising amount since moving here, each was very short lived and I've accepted the fact that I will most likely not meet my price charming in New Haven. The two types of guys to choose from here tend to be 1) Jersey Shore does Connecticut or 2) Mad Scientist - both of which run at an average height of 5'4, are generally unpleasant to look at and contribute conversation/game that I - run far far away from. It was just as soon as I decided not to date in this town that the Yale Grad bar crowds parted to reveal the biggest dream boat I've ever seen since I headed north of the Mason Dixon line. The stars aligned, our eyes met and he proceeded to hit on me with a simple "hi". It worked but let it be noted that my standards are instantly lowered if a guy in this town is over 5'9...and he was, dear god he was (6'4ish (!!!)) - it still shocks me. We talked  a lot. From the moments he said hi, we were in this- only the two of us world that night and the next, which I openly agree is really annoying but like I said he was such a dream boat. He was a struggling artist who graduated from Yale Graduate School of Art as a sculptor. He worked from a studio in New Haven and traveled to New York and back for shows. He gave out this strong, mysterious, troubled artist vibe and I was intrigued. We'll call him "The Sculptor".

Our first date consisted of wine, cheese and a Audrey Hepburn-Cary Grant movie. Swoon. I remember leaving the date though with less swooning and more red flags. There was a ton a chemistry but a big miss on basic views and opinions of life and the world. For example...cheese. I know a persons view on a dairy product normally doesn't indicate a certain world view but our conversation on the subject taught me a lot about him instantly. We were swapping various receipts because one of my new years resolutions was to cook more...I mean to cook, in general. I mentioned the ingredient of sharp cheddar and he instantly got this snobby smirk on his lips and literally scoffed out loud. That then turned into a 20 minute lecture on how he has a major problem with any of the "ordinary" American type cheese such as cheddar, munster, american, colby jack etc and refuses to buy anything unless its in a fine cheese section, in a wheel formation and wrapped in partridge paper.

......wwwwwwwhhhat?! ri-damn-diculous. I tried to defend the merit behind a good ole simple piece of musnter or cheddar cheese but then realized if you have to debate or defend the greatness of ANY simple pleasure in life to someone, that could the first of many speed bumps in a relationship with them. I called him a cheese snob. He openly admitted that he hates all presumably normal or generally accepted social norms. And I left thinking...hating something solely because its popular is just as bad as likely something solely because its popular. Like and dislike things because you actually  like or dislike them. Would he role his eyes when I want to watch Gossip Girl or The Office? Would he scoff when he saw the occasional Miley Cyrus or Chumbawumba song on my ipod?? Where and when does the madness it stop?!

We had a couple more "dates" after that because I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. And fine I admit it, because he was hot. I thought that if he accepted me for who I was and I did the same for him, it wouldn't be a problem. Silly girl. Our next date he invited me over to his place to show me his "studio" and sculptures. His studio was filled with partially finished body formations, make shift shelves and mass amounts of molding wax. Some of his work was pretty cool but some of I couldn't really connect with...stuff like the sculpture of a left arm....painted turquoise....with a jagged apple in the palm of the hand. I'm sure it had this deep meaning and analogy that could be explained in a couple of days - but it didn't translate to me and I found myself staring intently at his work, nodding and saying "awesome" more than any person should. Fail.
I then noticed this mess of blankets, a single pillow and a rolled up yoga mat in the corner, which prompted the question "where's you bedroom" - no sexual invitation intended. He said "this is it"....meaning his studio was also his bedroom. He said that he slept on his yoga mat, on the floor nightly. In my head: ".......alright. interesting. weird.....alright then". For the rest of the night we had quasi-decent conversation, staying away from the cheese topic until - unavoidably, the beginning of the end, began. 

You know that part in the Little Mermaid where Ariel sits there with the sea's version of a daisy and plays the "He loves me, He loves me not" game? Well...out of no where he thought through that game aloud about his conflicting feelings for me, in front of me. It went something like..."So I wasn't going to call you. I didn't want to see you. until I did want to see you...so I called you. I don't think I'm ready to date anyone, but lets make out....I probably won't call you but hopefully I'll see you around.....ok lets make out, but you shouldn't stay over."

...............on your yoga mat? Yeah I'm gonna pass, thanks. I went home and made a grilled cheese with sharp cheddar. So there.

As always, stay turned.


Ghosts of Boyfriends Past

Ok I know, its been almost unbearably long since my last post. Honestly, I try not to write until I feel "inspired" that sounds stupid but its true none the less. To cut to the chase it took a blast from my past to get me thinking about how much has changed and in what was I've evolved as a single girl and surviving in the jungle that is the dating world.

The blast from my past....hmm let's call him Mr. We're Just Friends. This quasi relationship took place in the insanely long time frame encompassing all Sophomore - Junior years of my college life. To be completely frank we were never "just friends", we became friends by accident somewhere along the way. To paint the picture we spent the larger part of each week hanging out, going out etc. We went on a skiing trip to Boone, NC....he came home to Atlanta and met my family for Easter one year for God sake. Every time the elephant in the room of conversation's came about in regards to defining our relationship he would inevitably respond "we're just friends". I used to get upset about that, I just couldn't wrap my head around why he has such a problem with calling me his girlfriend, so....I adopted the attitude of "whatever helps you sleep at night buddy". It was apparent to me pretty early on that he wasn't seeing anyone else, nor intending to so whatever way he wanted to define, or rather not define our relationship to get him through the day.....fine. whatever. Call it what you will, but to everyone else in the world, we're together.

At the time I felt like I was being laid back, go with the flow, non-dramatic, non-pushy Molly.  Which brings about one of the ways things....I....have changed. Its one thing to be demanding as to  where a relationship is going after a couple of weeks of knowing someone. I can see how that's pushy and a little intense. But its a whole other ball game when you've been spending an abundant amount of time with someone- months on end, and the guy in question won't ANTE Up (thanks brett), seal the deal and want to shout from the roof tops that your his. I wasn't being laid back; I was being a door mat and wasting a ton of time. Its not crazy to want to know where you stand or to walk away if you don't like where you stand. Simple as that.

When I think about the time we spent together I have mixed emotions. He was fun, witty and...well obnoxious. But obviously I put up with a lot of shit that I would never again entertain at this point in my life. Most of the shit I put up with is laughable, so here goes. My dear friend Shereen reminded me of one time in particular that sticks out in her mind that for a while had conviently escaped me. Its not one of my prouder moments. One warm spring Friday night on the Loveliest Village on the Plains (Auburn, AL :))...I went out and hit the town with my friends which is completely typical and uneventful at this point. In my drunken state I became set on the idea that I wanted to see Mr. We're Just Friends that night, and after a bunch of back and forth's I convinced him to pick me up. Approaching I found him, a friend of his and two random girls in the car - obviously on a semi double date or as close to one as he would ever admit. Really? Really....??! The oddest part about this is that I got in the car. For as much random crap that I've gone through with guys in my past...I fully understand and claim the fact that I am the common denominator.
So...we went to a party. I worked up the nerve and aggression to bitch him out and call my friends to rescue me from the embarrassment. I'm not sure how he recovered from this transgression. Surely he fed me some BS, and I replaced the rose covered glasses over my eyes. Water under the bridge right?

By the end of my Junior year he was walking across the graduation stage and receiving his diploma as I sat in the stands with his parents. While I was sad to see him go I think subconsciously I was relieved. It didn't take long after that for things to fizzle on my side  and for me to get so fed up with his antics that I stopped returning phone calls. A lot changed. He moved to Australia with one suitcase in hand; in pursuit of a dream of working his way across the continent and not falling into the societal expectations of starting a career and a life that you're locked into...forever.  I graduated and moved across the country myself. Occasionally I received calls from "unknown" or crazy coded numbers (Australian)...him trying to rebuild the bridge that he had burned between us. After I had let everything go, I did talk to him again and it was nice to let the animosity and old feelings go, to reunite with an old friend.

So here comes the blast from the past reference. Flash forward to current time -  he's back in the States, for good apparently. Back in his home state...which isn't so far from me and wants to come visit, and does. To give you all who don't know me as well as others an idea of where I'm coming from, when I'm "over it" with a guy in my life (past or present) I can't fake it, it shows all over my face. I can't entertain the idea of romantic elements between us. When it's made up in my mind, when I truly am over it - there's usually no going back. When he announced he was coming to visit I knew instantly that he was using our time together as a testing ground or a platform to see if there was unfinished business between us. His visit was uneventful really. I felt him wanting something to be there, but for me it was just as over as it had been three years ago. We got into a ridiculously ironic conversation from my point of view...in which he basically spilled that I'd been the most substantial and important relationship he'd ever had. Funny....how hell would've had to freeze over for him to call it a "relationship" back then.

It's crazy to me how roles reverse. Because guess what- we're just friends.

As always, stay tuned.
xoxo - M


Will You Be My Valentine?

11:49 February 14, 2010...Valentine's Day...

Valentine's Day through out the ages (well my ages anyway):
2 Years Ago: One of the more tolerable years of this holiday's ritual - which consisted of "True Love" mixers, and V-Day bar specials. Drinking excessively with other single friends and wearing some sort of red or pink....simple enough right? If there was anything which involved over the top displays of public affection, I don't remember much of it- which was the whole point really.
Can we reflect on the idea of a "True Love Mixer" or V-Day Bar party? Granted I've met most of my ex-boyfriends at a bar, and I'm finally seeing the light past the neon Budweiser sign. They're ex's for a reason. Then again it's Valentine's Day right? We all need something to take the edge off. Its an added bonus if you find Mr. Right, or Mr. Right-Now(his ugly bastard cousin, damn him).

7 Years Ago: Let's call it "THE Day of 'Surprise' Romantic Gestures" (cough* notice the sarcasm, hint hint)....all day long. flowers delivered, gifts given, etc etc. You get it. All under the watchful eye of the entire student population.

13 Years Ago: This Valentine's Day, I remember most fondly. At 10 years old (& younger) we had certain V-Day traditions at school. The whole class would make valentines day boxes - like a US post box, hand made....as much glitter and paper mache hearts that could fill a 4th grade class room. Each hung from the front of our desks or back of our chairs (depending on your style). On the fateful day we'd have a class party naturally, filled with sweethearts and...Scooby Doo Valentines (Note: Scooby Doo Valentine's reference is probably 100% inaccurate as I can't remember the Valentine fad of the day).
Things were simpler then...then again I'm pretty sure my 10 year old self would adamantly disagree with that statement. Even then...our 10 year old lives were in upheaval with the gossip that Kevin was proclaiming his undying love to Katie Walsh and Joe gave a gold locket to Catherine Fox. (Note: I'm pretty positive those names and sentiments of love, ARE true :) I have a mind like a steal trap when it comes to things that really do matter. Right.)

Let's flash forward to present day. Joy. It's officially 12:10pm on Saint Valentines Day. I - am in sweats, indulging in a cup of coffee with "Live Your Life" jammin on my ipod. Typing away on my Anti-Love life blog. In all seriousness though, even in my darkest, most bitter and broken hearted of hours, I've never taken it out on the holiday (aka been an Anti-Valentine). The truth is while I may have, and continue to, roll my eyes at the over the top & slightly unnecessary displays of love and affection, I've always participated in my own way. My kitchen table is adorned with beautiful flowers....from a great girl friend :).

I've always been of the belief that I'd rather be alone or "celebrating" (however that may materialize) than have a Valentine just to have one. I DO have a decently entertaining V-Day story from college, I feel like I should show some compassion and restraint though because he was always so sweet to me.....oh wait a second, a light bulb just went off.

I'm spilling it.
I was "dating" this guy in college my Junior year, just a couple of weeks prior to Valentine's Day. Let's call him "Cubs Fan in Alabama"...(that probably doesn't resonate with most people but I'm wild about the Chicago Cubs - an automatic characteristic of any Cubs fan is undying loyalty....through ups and downs, downs that materialize into a100 year losing streak, seriously. - all of this could have amounted to  some of the over powering reasons I decided to entertain the idea of dating him). We hadn't made plans to get together on the holiday and to be honest that was fine by me. I was in this weird stage of figuring out how I felt about the quasi relationship, or if it should continue at all.
We had barely kissed. So did I expect anything on Valentine's? Absolutely not. Far from it.

I walk into my apartment, 11:45am after my 10am whatever it was class to find my roommate and one of my best friends stilling on the couch grinning from ear to ear. I follow her eyes to a nice display of flowers arranged in a vase on the living room table. "Oh how great, XXX (< Insert roommate's boyfriend's name here) did very good for himself this year!". Then she says without skipping a beat "Woah woah don't get ahead of yourself, these are addressed to you".

This is a good time to interject and add that while I liked "Cubs Guy in Alabama", and enjoyed his company, I wasn't quite sure as to what sort of like this was. The awkward timing / arrival of Valentines Day wasn't helping my decision making process or cause.

The card read: "Molly, I'm very sorry that we couldn't spend Valentine's Day together. Let these flowers be proof that I am thinking of you all the while." (Note: Not quoted verbatim, just via memory, sue me.)
Sweet right? But I thought....Oh my God, thats so sweet....too sweet really...."Under Pressure" by Queen & David Bowie playing on repeat in my head.

So I leave an hour later for my next class with the weight of his sweet gesture bearing down of my shoulders. I come back home to a similar scene as before, an over the top gift basket display sitting next to my flowers on the table and my roommate's grin is even bigger, this time accompanied by giggling. Surely THIS was from her boyfriend, she interjects my reeling heads thought process and says "...don't look at me, that's yours - round two". ---Gift basket filled with cookies, candy, a tiger stuffed animal conveniently named after him, and a flamingo loofah. Yes that's right, a flamingo loofah. (?!). Holy shit. The V-Day/relationship pressure just went from 50 to 200.

Needless to say these gifts were basically the straw that broke the camels back. I felt awkward and guilty continuing a relationship that I wasn't sure about vs. one who he felt so strongly about. If this was the end of the story, I wouldn't have shared it...but as you can guess its not the end. Oh with me, its never the end.

From the time of the Valentine's Day extravaganza to the next point of this story 1 year must have gone by. Complete with friendly exchanges via text message or facebook occasionally until that fateful day... I was back in Auburn, visiting for a weekend to celebrate a girlfriend's graduation and I decided to text "Cubs Guy in Alabama" just to see what he was up to. After all we were on friendly terms & had hung out a bit since so I thought why not? We texted back and forth and I quickly found out that he was in Birmingham for the summer working so he wouldn't be able to get together.

15 minutes go by and I get a text from him it said:
"I just heard from Molly and not only am I stuck in Birmingham slaving my life away at this job - I also won't be in Auburn tonight having sex because of it....'

That's right. He sent that text to me vs. whoever the intended recipient was.
Shocked, i thought about it for a couple minutes until I wrote this back:

"Dear "Cubs Guy in Alabama",
I don't think that this text was intended for me. Need I encourage you to get your facts straight...we never had sex, nor came close to it. Please don't mislead your friends, especially when my name is in the sentence. Thanks."

"p.s. It's safe for you to assume that we will never be having sex."

Happy Valentines Day! It's not over yet....still 12 hours, anything can happen.

As Always, Stay Tuned



In the longevity of this blog I am looking to answer the five W's of any substantial writing piece. (Props to my college Journalism professor of freshman year - who's name presently escapes me...then again you did torture me along with 30+ of my classmates so that serves you right.)

Who  - Me. Molly. I consider myself your "normal", everyday American girl. But then again what is normal anyway? I'm 23, and am currently completely diving into the part of my life that most consider "independence". I moved away from all forms of family and friends, to a completely new state and part of the country, in an effort to embrace said independence to its fullest extent.

One of the things not so normal about me is my tendency to accumulate dating stories that would fit seamlessly into Seinfield episodes. Don't get me wrong, I love Seinfield....however on the other hand having your daily life play out like it could be showcased during prime time on a major national network - its not as funny as you'd think. Just kidding, it is funny.

Which brings me to What and Why. I'm tired of people claiming to have all the answers....so let it be stated that this blog is NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM meant to act as a Single Girls Guide to anything...at all...ever. I don't have the answers and at this point I'm not sure I ever will. This blog is meant to showcase the fumblings, failures, disasters and hilarity that all boil down to finding the right guy. Kissing the frogs to find the prince.

When and Where....are irrelevant when I really think about it. This story has happened a million times over to women around the world, throughout time. If you can't relate to it then I feel bad for you...this is the stuff of life.

As always, stay tuned.
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